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June 7, 2016
Spend Your Spare Moments This Summer at Yogo Crazy Frozen Yogurt
Few things can beat enjoying a frosty treat during the hot summer months, so next time you've got a craving for some frozen yogurt, consider heading over to Yogo Crazy. This Bel Air yogurt shop has everything you've come to expect from froyo places: self-serve yogurt in half a dozen flavors and a massive toppings bar that stocks everything from fresh fruit to candy.
Traditionalists might go for something classic, like French vanilla yogurt topped with fresh strawberries and hot fudge, while cotton candy flavored yogurt is popular with kids, especially if you add gummy bears or Skittles on top. And if you're looking for something creative and unusual, why not try some banana-flavored yogurt topped with coffee beans and chocolate chips? Whatever you choose, just serve yourself as much or as little as you like, pay by the pound at the register, and then enjoy every bite.
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